Awareness and Health Check up Camps under CSR Scheme implemented in Six districts of Uttar Pradesh State

17th July – 8th August, 2023


We acknowledge & thank to RITES LIMITED for its CSR Scheme financial support
for conducting Awareness and health Check Up Camp project.

Pre-Inaugural welcome to Mrs. Godavari Mishra ,Independent Director of RITES Limited By VKF Volunteers

A view of Health Check Up Camp in progress By VKF Volunteers/Doctors


with its CSR financial supporter RITES LIMITED organized Awareness and Health Check Up Camp for Underprivileged society in Six districts namely Sravasti , Ayodhya , Maharajganj, RaiBareIi, Hardoi & Gorakhpur of Uttar Pradesh State from 17th July to 8th August 2023. The objective of the camp was to provide free health care facility to women, adolescent girls and School Children. In the run up of the camp VKF approached the local people from the community and Village’s Sarpanch & PHC for being a helping hands during the camp. The preparation of the camp was started on 17th July 2023 from the Sravasti district, UP. The focus of the health Camps are free whole body health check up, distribution of sanitary napkins, mask, sanitizers, vitamin tablets, and first aids. It decided to have the specialties of General Physician and MBBS. Local authorities were also approached for their legal consent and also involved in the camp. To be convenient for the community the camp place, day and timings were discussed with local people so that mass group can avail the facility of the camp, the doctors who were serving during the camp were also approached for their needs specially medicines for the camps. The local prominent media were also informed about the cause and requested them to their support for pre and post notes. Arrangement of Tent with patients waiting area and sitting facility was also done for smooth and easy operation.

Publicity was done through pamphlet distribution IEC , Audio & Video and mouth to mouth awareness through volunteers.

Details Report of Health Check Up Camps Conducted from 17th July -8th August 2023 at Six districts of U.P.

Primary health Check Up services & health awareness programs conducted in Six districts namely Sravasti , Ayodhya , Maharajganj, Rae BareIi, Hardoi & Gorakhpur of Uttar Pradesh State. Total of Six health check up camps were organized (each district One camp) for duration of two days including health awareness , check up , distribution of Sanitary napkins, vitamin tablets and first aids to the underprivileged women, adolescent girls student & Children. The health camp focussed rural area populations living in unreachable areas or where population have poor access to health services.  Taking health care to the doorsteps is the principle behind this initiative and is intended to reach underserved areas.

The Health Check up camp was initiated to address health challenges especially adolescent girls, School Girls, Children and women health issues faced by the population residing in Six districts by way providing holistic health services both preventive, primitive and curative health services. Preventive and primitive health services address the issues of lack of awareness, myths and misconceptions related to health awareness, adopting healthy behaviours related to nutrition, menstruation cycle And women health among adolescent girls, School Girls, Children and women. During the awareness meetings, community at large will be made aware about the current COVID-19 pandemic, safety measures, awareness. A customized awareness materials like posters, leaflets, FAQ, myths and facts about nutrition, menstruation cycle, women health including COVID-19 was distributed during the awareness meetings. In these sessions, the focus were made on addressing the myths, barriers, knowledge gaps through Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) tools and Information Education Communication (IEC) campaigns so that behaviour change and healthy practices are followed by the beneficiaries. Health camps was organised in the villages to provide free health services and on the spot treatment. Those needing treatment for major ailments referred to the hospital.

Health Check Up Camp on Progress By Doctor

Medicine and sanitary napkin distributed By VKF Volunteers

Details of Awareness and Health Camps

First Camp

Venue : Community Centre, District – Sravasti, Uttar Pradesh State.
Date : July 17 -18 , 2023.
Time : 9.30 A.M. to 2. 30 P.M.

As per the planning the arrangements was done by 9.00am with the support of volunteers. The medical team reached the place at 9.15am, with a small inauguration by Mrs. Alka Singh Patel, District President, as a Chief Guest in presence of Shri Abhishek Tiwari , Director of Vasudhaiva Kalyan Foundation, Sarpanch and invited guests, followed by breakfast to all guests & participants, then we started the activity of medical check up and awareness. In her inauguration speech , Mrs. Alka Patel informed the gathering including the participants about awareness and health check up camp’s objectives and benefit to the beneficiaries . She also makes the participants aware for health check up to adolescent girls using vitamin tablets , nitrous food , safe drinking water , sanitization and also advised to school girls to use sanitary napkin. With the targeted aim and objective of the camp, a major benefit of the camp was the awareness, counselling that was done by the doctors. Doctors diagnosis all the patients and prescribed them the required medicines, which the patients availed from the medicines counter free of cost. 

The testing including HB, SUGER, TLC DLC, BTCT, URINE RM, HBsAg, HIV, LFT, KFT, Anaemic, BP, Pulse etc. , further volunteers & Nurses staffs distributed Zink, Sanitary Napkins , Iron Supplements, Calcium Supplements, ORS & other medicines with free of cost. The camp ended about 2:30 pm with smiling faces in
the community.